How is it possible? My baby is six!
Tyler James,
Where to start with you…
To begin with you are an absolute joy these days. I am so proud of the young boy you have become! You are an awesome older brother and are looking forward to practicing even more with the new baby. I know that you are going to love and protect him and for that I am grateful!
You are starting your second season of T-Ball, but this year with the Bronco’s. I love watching you in the outfield, with your mitt… looking for four leaf clovers. Hang in there bud, you will find one some day. Let’s just hope you don’t get hit in the head with the ball before then. Although you are a strong T-Ball player, soccer is your love and you keep asking when you can play again.
In school you are an “enjoyable and mature student”, so Mrs. Hawksford says. I take pride in all the artwork that you bring home and keep the special ones tucked away for you to look back on when you are older. My favorite part of each day is when I get to come and pick you up from school. Without fail everyday, as I drive up, there you are with the biggest smile on your face and waving at me as if you haven’t seen me in a week. Then you promptly get in the car and ask if we are going to Nana and Boppa’s.
Your new found love, and my enemy, is zombie farm. You would play it all day if I let you. And believe me, I have thought about it just so you would get sick of it and not want to play it again. Somehow I don’t think it would work though because you are obsessed. We also enjoy a little friendly competition on the board games, although I still have to let you win unless I want to face your wrath.
You continue to be very observant and inquisitive. Matter of fact, it was brought to my attention that one day in carpool with the Lovejoy’s (who have 3 girls) you were so observant that you decided to announce that you were indeed the only one in the car with a penis. That’s my boy, always taking it all in. Katie had a little explaining to do when she got home I hear.
Tyler James, I couldn’t imagine this family without you! Yes, you do provide us with your fair share of drama, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are kind, respectful and loving… I couldn’t ask for more out of my son. Thank you for being you, buddy. We love you… MORE!