
One hot mess

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I will say it... this almost 3 year old is one hot mess.  Not because I don't care but because I chose not to fight this battle.  Alex is definitely a "my way or the highway" kind of a kid.  If I am going to fight a battle with him, it better for a darn good reason.  Totally opposite of Tyler.  I chose every battle with Tyler.  I made him wear nice clothes, clean tennis shoes, I made him brush his hair before he left the house and coats... always.  Alex, not so much.  

So yes, this is what he looks like most days of the week...  no pants on, a hand me down shirt, underwear on backwards (because heaven forbid he not be able to see the character that is supposed to reside on the back side) and shoes on the wrong feet.
Don't judge me.  I know my kid is a hot mess and you know what, I don't care.  As long as I have my sanity!


Jenny said...

Oh Wow, this is one is a keeper for sure! A keeper to whip out when he has his first high school girlfriend over for dinner!!!!!
I love his little personality...reminds me of his Aunt Jenny ;)

Shannon said...

ummm... i will not let Erin see this post she might ditch Alex for baby G and his cute outfits! Or Tyler... maybe she likes a boy in "uniform" :-

Katy said...

I was laughing so hard when I read this! Landon just got over insisting he wear his underwear backwards for the same reason! It's not worth the battle, is it? (Thanks for reminding me to lighten up.) That picture is such a treasure!

katy said...

yep...i get it. totally get it. only mine is a red-head! ;)

Joia Poort said...

This is my favorite post ever of yours.