

Graham Baby,

Tomorrow you are one.  
8765 hours old
356 days old
52 weeks old
12 months old
... haw can that possibly be?
When I think back over the last year I feel happy, proud, accomplished and, oh so full of love.  You have brought so much to our family in your short year of life.  You have taught us love, unconditional love.  A love that transcends all.  You have taught us acceptance.  Acceptance for those that are perfect in their own way.  You have taught us strength.  Through taping, molding, and surgery you remained the happiest baby I have ever met.   We have said it before and we will say it again...
Baby G, you were meant for us.
Watching you grow and learn is, well, sad (I'll be honest).  But at the same time it is so much fun.  You worship your brothers and take in their every move.  Everyday you are doing something new just from watching them.  Your new tricks of the week are waving bye bye, of which you do with so much enthusiasm.  Bottom spinning, who knows where you learned that, but it makes us laugh.  Shaking you booty anytime you hear music.  I especially love this one.  Oh, and my favorite one, discipling Alex.  Frequently I am holding you while doing so and you decide to join in with some loud babbling of your own.
You are a momma's boy.  Way more than the other two.  Believe me, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I can't get enough of your snuggles.  Night times are usually spent rocking in the your chair, nursing and then reading followed by cuddles with your head on my chest while I smell your sweet little head.  I could do this forever, literally.  Each night I hold you just a little bit longer knowing that these snuggles won't last forever, despite my endless prayers that they will.
On the go.  If there is one thing to describe you, that would be it.  Always on the go.  You are crazy busy.   Your favorite "toys" are the cupboards, the fireplace and the outlets.  And my are you persistent!  Very little will get your attention off something that you are intent on playing with.  You are not a fan of "no".  Matter of fact, I am pretty sure you think it means, "sure Graham, go for it".  Whenever you are told no you politely look whom ever may be saying it in the eye, shake your sweet little head and the promptly go back to whatever it was you were doing.  Walking is not quite on the horizon, thank goodness.  You are content with crawling, of which you do with such speed.  
You poor little guy, are being hit with a slew of teeth.  You are working on number five and six and with how fussy you have been, I am sure there are more to follow soon.  As it appears at this point, you are missing one little eye tooth on the left.  But only time will tell, maybe it's hiding out.  I am anxious to visit craniofacial so they can see how well you are doing.
Food... you love it.  Most of the time.  When all else fails you will always take a baby food squishy.  Fruits and veggies on their own don't seem to be your favorite, but you will eat enchiladas, steak and peanut butter and jelly until you are stuffed full, then you will eat some more.  Cottage cheese is also a staple.  Dinners at Nana and Boppa's are usually finished with a special treat (usually bites of ice cream) from Aunt NeNe.  You bee line for her when it's that time.
Sleep, I won't go there.  Some nights you sleep, others you wake up once and then there are those nights you wake up 3 times.  You are smart enough now too that you refuse to go back to sleep until you nurse.  Your momma is one big sucker, that's for sure.  Like all things with you though, I am savoring each and every moment (even at 3 am) because this too shall end.
Graham, there are no words to describe our love for you.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for being a part of our family.  Thank you for letting me wake up every morning to your smiling face.  Thank you for for teaching us what true, unconditional love is.  You are amazing, beautiful, loving and funny... and you are only one.  We are blessed to be your family.
I love you baby G,


Katy said...

What a beautiful post!

Jenny said...

What a fantastic picture! Wish I was there to give him tons of Aunt Jenny smooches!