

Four years you have been in our lives.  Four years we have been blessed with your contagious smile.  Four years we have been tested by your unwavering stubbornness.  Four years, and we have loved every minute. 
You, as I have said over and over, are my sweetest, most loving child, but also the most challenging.  I recently looked up the definition for stubborn.  

"Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons."  

Yep, that's you to a T.  If it is not your idea, good luck!  You are wise beyond your years... and it kills me.  In response to me saying that you may not have a granola bar before dinner recently you replied with "Uhh, mommmm.  You're ruining my life."  Really?  Sorry buddy, you got a lot of years ahead of you, I am sure it will get worse.

You are thoroughly enjoying school this year.  Your teachers are constantly commenting on your happy nature.  I especially love all of the "art" you bring home for us.  You have made a lot of new friends this year and even had your first play date at a girl's house.  You are kind of smitten for Miss Lexie I'd say.  Tyler, Landon and Evan are just a few of your friends that we meet up with regularly.  

In stark difference to how you are at school you are not always a peach at home.  Graham and you have a love/hate relationship.  When you play together happily it is heaven for mommy.  But, the reality is that most the time you don't.  There is a lot of arguing, screaming and even the occasional hitting when you guys butt heads.  It can make for some long days for mommy.  You and Tyler have plenty of  moments too.  However, with Evie you are the most nurturing, loving and caring brother.  When she is crying you do what ever it takes to help her, even letting her suck on your thumb.   There is nothing better than watching you with her.  It makes my heart melt a million times over.  

This year you started in swimming lessons at Children's but once you moved up to the intermediate class you made up your mind that you were not going to do it.  We tried for an entire session to coax you back into the pool to no avail and eventually gave up.  I am hoping to get you started up again this summer... we'll see.  I also just signed you up for your first ever soccer camp this summer.  I am so excited to see you getting started in some sports.  I am hoping that your determination takes you a long way on the field.  

Some of the things you are loving right now:

bike riding
Buzz Lightyear
going to the bank with Boppa

Alex, your bright smile lights up my morning each and every day and I am not quite sure what I would do without your constant "I love you mom".  You test me each and every day and challenge me to be the best mom I can possibly be.  Sometimes I fail and sometimes I succeed.  But no matter what you are still right next to me, loving me just as much as I love you.  
I love you Alexander... to infinity and beyond!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love Wee-man soooo much! Great post Mama! xoxo