Lately life has taken over.
Lately, I have gotten so tied up in the get up, get Tyler to school, get to the gym, clean the house, do the laundry, run the errands, pick up Tyler, and oh yeah, get Alex a nap, that I have quite forgotten that I will never get these days back. Well, there will alway be things that need to be "gotten done", but there will not always be two little boys that need there mommy this much. In light of this I declared friday a mommy/sons day. It was the most amazing, refreshing, loving feeling in the world to just be completely WITH them. No cell phone, no computer, no TV, just me and my boys (and maybe my camera) doing what we love to do.
Alex and I headed out for a walk to the park where we got to play in the sand box (for the first time).
Then we found a cool building to take pictures at.
Alex loved exploring Magnuson park and we couldn't have asked for better weather to do it.
After a nap, for both of us, we picked up Tyler from school and headed out to Golden Gardens to soak up some more of the beautiful Seattle October day.
Of course there were treasures to be found
and water to be tested
and who could forget the pictures to be taken... most certainly not me!
Alex got hungry and I forgot a snack, so he feasted on a meal of the finest golden garden sand.
Now the challenge is to make a mommy/sons moment in EVERY day, no matter what chores are lurking.
Tonight I ready Tyler my very favorite book "I love you forever", it only seemed fitting.
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always.
As long as I am living my babies you will be."