
Oh Alexander!

There are days, lots of days, when I am pretty sure this kid is going to do me in. He is, literally, the most stubborn child I know. He puts his dad to shame. When he makes up his mind about something it's over. He has spent 3 hours in his room simply because he didn't want to apologize to a babysitter. Not sure what is more impressive, his will power to stay in his room, or the follow through of the babysitter. Maybe his most notable feat is bearing the freezing cold simply to prove a point... he didn't want to go to coffee, he wanted to go home.  He sat outside with teeth chattering and lips blue without so much as a blink of his eye despite the nice warm cup of coco that waited for him inside.   There is no bribery, threatening, or tricking him into anything. This kid doesn't fall for it. Someday this stubbornness is going to bode him well... If he makes it to someday.

It's a darn good thing he is so cute.

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