
First Communion

Last sunday was a big day in our family, Tyler James made his First Communion.  I couldn't be more proud to be his Momma.
I know I say it all the time, but this is just one more instance of how fast time moves.  I vividly remember sitting in mass watching a group of little second graders make their first communion with a tiny little love bug in my arms.  I thought to myself, won't that be so cool to see this little guy up there some day, a long time from now.  Well, that day came.  My little love bug is now a big love bug and he did great.  Didn't even grimace when sipping the wine.  He came back to the pew to proclaim, "Mom, I like the wine!"

Unfortunately, he went the opposite way so I didn't get really great photos.  But, I caught some of Karsten.

I love this photo of him giving Father a high five!

His amazing Godparents, Nick and Kate.

We are so proud of you Tyler James!

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