T: I planted a corn today.
Me: Oh really?
(apparently he saved a kernal from dinner and secretly planted it in the back yard)
T: How long will it take to grow?
Dad: About 80 days. Did you let it dry out first?
T: No, why?
Dad: Because you have to dry out the kernals for a while before you can plant them.
T: Oh. So it won't grow? My pear tree is growing though.
Me: *thinking to myself "pear tree?"* Hmm.
T: Daddy, what's the fastest plane?
Dad: A Blackbird.
T: Which one does the Army fly in?
Dad: C-130. Ok Tyler, you have 5 more questions and then that is it for now.
T: Which one carries the most people?
Dad: The C-5
T: *Looking at his airplane book* But Dad, I don't see that on here.
Dad: Well, we'll read it when we get home.
T: But dad, which one is your favorite?
Dad: The stealth bomber.
T: Why, what color is it?
Ok, so you get the picture, this kid asks a TON of questions... all day, every day. Although there are times I would rather him just be quiet I remind myself that soon there will be days that I can't get him to talk to me for anything. I WILL cherish these days. I WILL answer his questions to the best of my ability and I WILL love every minute of it. I LOVE him for the curious little kid that he is and I wouldn't change him for bazillion bucks!
(that's another of his favorite conversations, biggest numbers and how far you can count).