
{nine} months

This sweet pea is nine whole months old.
Well, now he is nine months and two weeks, but who's counting.

There are no words to describe you.  No, actually there are a lot.
You are my baby, my snuggler, my Graham Cracker.
You are simply wonderful, albeit a little fussy this month.  But who can blame you?  You have been plagued by ear infections.  One after another.  We are currently on our third round of Amoxicillin.
Despite the yuckies, you have managed to explode developmentally.  You are on the go!

I love that it's not just a crawl but rather half crawl, half scoot.  You always keep your left leg tucked under so you can quickly push up to a sit and survey your surroundings.  Then you are off again.  You are always on the look out for the dog's water bowl.  Once you find it you are in heaven.
You are BUSY.  When awake there is rarely a calm moment.  You are happy as long as all the attention is on you.  Taking your nine month photos was no easy feat.  The backdrop turned into a great game of hide and seek.

You are indecisive.  Hmm, I wonder where you get that from?  You love to be held and toted around one moment then down and on the loose the next.  You hate to be confined.  Jumparoo, exersaucer,
pack 'n' play... pa-sha.  Those are for babies.  You have discovered the kitchen drawers and cupboards.  Oh yipee!  A favorite is the plastic bag drawer.  Guess what mommy is doing this weekend?
Another favorite of yours... food.  Nursing is still numero uno, but solids are a close second.  Mangos
(prepared by mommy) are a new love of yours.  But, really, there's not a whole lot that you don't like.  You are still nursing like a champ 5-6 times a day.
Sleep... ugh.  Most day you take 2 good naps.  One morning and one afternoon.  That's great.  What's not so great?  You still get up at night.  Usually it's just once, you nurse and go back to sleep.  No biggie.
  Some nights though, you wake up later in the night, 4-5am, and think you are up for the day.  Not so fun.  That's usually when I stick you in the swing and I go back to bed.  Every once in a while you do tease mommy by sleeping through the night.  Your newest trick, like last night new... is pulling up to standing in your crib.  It made bedtime a little tougher last night.  But eventually you gave up and laid down and went to sleep.  This morning you greeted me standing, with a big old smile when I opened the door.
You are still a momma's boy.  My most favorite thing in the whole world is when I get home from work and you hear me.  Last night I hadn't even walked into the room, but you heard my voice and started fussing until I picked you up.  
I love your snuggles!
Your personality is growing.  You know what you want and if it's up to you, you will get it.  You are babbling up a storm these days.  "MaMaMa", "DaDaDa" and "NaNaNa" are frequently heard amongst these parts.  You have this goofy new grin that you do when you think you are being funny.  You scrunch up your little nose, squint your eyes and show you big toothy smile.  I have yet to catch it on camera... but I will!
Each and every day you, and your brothers, remind me of why I love being a mother.  You boys test every ounce of my patience, yet melt my heart in ways that nothing else could.
I count my blessings every day that I have you boys in my life.

9 month Stats:
20 pounds 8 ounces (50%)
28 inches long (50%)


Jenny said...

God he's so beautiful. I cannot wait to meet him & squeeze those chunky little thighs...ooooweeee I wanna love up on him!
& you Mama...you're an amazing mother!

Jenny said...

I tagged you in my latest blog entry...do it...you know you wanna!