
Tomorrow we will be 5

As I sit here the night before our third baby boy is born I find it a bit ironic. Dan and I talked about how we vividly remember me being in tears every night for a good month before Tyler was born. I was so anxious to have the baby out and I let him know it each and every day he called from Iraq. With Alex I was a little more even keel, but definitely excited to have him enter the world. This time around, knowing it is my last (so Dan says), I am not ready. I am not ready to give up this secret that I have. I am not ready to welcome this little one, I want to keep him to myself. I want to feel him move and kick throughout the day. I want to rub my belly and know that he is safe inside. I'll say it, I LOVE being pregnant.
But tomorrow, I am going to LOVE being the momma of not two but three boys and all will be okay.
Can't wait to meet you little man, we will see you soon!


tiffany jeanne said...

Prayers for a safe delivery of boy #3! Excited to see pics of the new little one :)

Joia Poort said...

Good luck to you! Can't wait to hear the name and see his first photos!