Gammer Gam,
You, my friend, are 10 months old!
In the last month, there is no question about it, you have become you. You are a lover, a fusser, a smiler and a heart breaker. Attention must never be drawn away from you, heaven forbid. You have the absolute best laugh. It make my heart so happy! I am pretty sure I hate being away from you just as much as you hate being away from me. The only redeeming quality of my work days is the moment I walk in the door and you start fussing because you want nothing but to be with me. I know these days will go so fast so I am going to cherish every moment of it. Soon enough you will be up and walking and won't be able to get away from me fast enough.
You are on the go, with a purpose. We have never been a child-proofing family, but you have changed that. You are into everything! You love noise. Banging the cupboard doors is a favorite past time of yours. It brings you so much joy, so I just grin and bear it. We have oodles and oodles of baby toys for you, none of which can hold your attention quite like your big brothers rooms full of hazards! Instead of an open door policy in this house, we are a closed door house. You are destined to find yourself in Children's ER, I am sure of it.
On the flip side you are a snuggler. I have never had one of those so I am in heaven. Every night you nurse and then I sit, your head on my chest, rocking, for as long as the other boys will allow it. My mind races with all the things that need to be done before I can go to sleep, but none of that matter when you are in my arms. Those things will be there no matter what, these snuggles may not be.
You love food. Reluctantly, I have branched out from baby food. I am sure to keep you on some because of the ease of it. But you would much rather have the peanut butter and jelly that your brothers are having for lunch of the enchiladas the rest of the family are enjoying for dinner. Most nights you out consume Alex. Some of your favorites are string cheese, toast, and rice. Put plain old cheerios in front of you and you scream until something better appears. You have no use for that.
Sleep is still a work in progress with you. I can count on a few nights of uninterrupted sleep a week. You still love your early morning nursing though. Like 3-4am early. Naps are subject to your brothers activities. Ideally you love 2 good naps. One about 9-10am, depending on what time you wake up, and another around 2. They both last about 2 hours.
Teeth, you still have just 2 but the top two are going to break through any day now. I am anxious for you to get some relief as they seem to be pretty painful for you. Its odd to be at this junction. I remember that this was a big concern in our first meeting with the craniofacial doctor. Because of the incomplete palate cleft we were a little unsure about what teeth you would have where. The only answer the docs could give us is that we would have to wait and see. Your two front teeth seem to be in good placement from what I can tell. The truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter. We know there will be more surgeries and lots of orthodontics, that's a given. At this point we are just so grateful for your health.
Health, that's another story. You have been plagued with ear infections and colds almost constantly this winter. I am eagerly awaiting the end of this season. I am hoping that getting rid of binkies for Alex will in turn help you, since all our binks have turned into communal binks no matter how hard I have tried.
Graham, you are everything our family needed. I can't imagine our life without you. Your brothers love you more then anything, and you them. If there is one thing I am so excited for, it is to watch you boys as you grow. My prayer for you all is that you are always there for each other, that you are best friends and that you forever know the power of family.
I love you Graham!