
Chaos, sweet chaos

There's no way around it.  I am not going to lie.  With 3 boys our house is a place of constant chaos, controlled chaos.  Whether it's the messes constantly being left behind, the boys relentless arguing or the animals insistent nagging, it never ends.  It's my life.  Although I dream of running a house similar to that of my sisters, with a place for everything and everything in it's place (and labeled), I have come to grips with the realization that it ain't gonna happen.  My life is not pretty, it's not organized, and it most certainly is not labeled.  But that's ok.  Because you know what?  This is MY life.  I have found solace in the craziness that is boys.  I know nothing else, after all.  I do what I can and I don't stress about what I can't.
On any given day my kitchen may look like this...

Pure chaos, right?
It's all good.  I have a few ways I have learned to deal with this.
Like throwing the crying baby on the floor in the sink to play, while I clean up everything else.

And all are happy!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love reading your posts....a pic everyday for a year....grand idea! I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
PS. Graham...can he get any cuter?! Can't hardly wait to love up on those chubby cheeks!